Site updates

Most of the Open Office format documents have been converted to HTML to make them load faster and address some formatting issues, in particular tables. Footnotes can now be viewed in place by clicking the superscript1.

There is now an actual Contact Form.

Gertrud Hoffmann Langer and Sister Grace Langer biographies are fairly complete.

The Farm (still under construction) has been broken down into sections:

The Landskron Tour is now available as a post along with other announcements on the home page.

Hope these changes enhance the viewing experience. Please comment below if you have questions or suggestions.

Site Reorganization

I will be working with Ed on re-organizing this site, so please be patient. You are welcome to comment on this post if you have suggestions, comments, or requests.


Fixing my website

I recently starting using Word Press for this website.  I started by stripping out all the old stories and then uploading them.

There are two things I need to work on with the uploads:

  1. When the text was re-formatted, error appeared.
  2. The photos and maps that I used in some of these pages did not upload.

When I get time, I will work on fixing these problems.

If in the meantime you want to see a better version of an article, email me at or
